Monday, February 21, 2011

Homework (ex. 7-10, p.49, SB)

Exercise 7

  1. the coldest
  2. taller than
  3. the most expensive
  4. new
  5. the scariest
Exercise 8
  1. Helen is the prettiest. She is the thinnest. She is sadder than George. She is weaker than Carl.
  2. Carl is taller than George. He is the strongest. He is the tallest. He is younger than George.
  3. George is the oldest. He is the happiest. He is the fattest. He is shorter than Carl.
Exercise 9
  1. less comfortable than
  2. the least expensive
  3. less scary than
  4. the least tasty
  5. less colourful than
  6. less tired than
  7. the least important
Exercise 10
  1. not tall enough
  2. as sweet as
  3. too long
  4. old enough
  5. too tired
  6. as strong as, as tall as

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